I beat the Market.
Let me show you how

Build wealth by investing in the best businesses in the world. I’ll show you exactly how I analyze them, buy them, and sell them.

Stock Investing Mentor launches September 1st.

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Stock Investing Mentor is for stock pickers who want to master the art of investing.

Hi, I’m Brian Stoffel

Over the last decade, my portfolio has crushed the market. But, I haven’t always done so well as an investor. When I started investing, I had no idea what I was doing, and I made a ton of expensive mistakes:

I was confused by all of the investing & financial jargon

I had no idea how to value a stock to know if it was a buy or a sell

I couldn’t tell the difference between a good vs. bad company

Even though I was putting a ton of time into learning investing, I wasn’t getting the results I needed to achieve my financial goals.

That all changed a decade ago.

That’s when I created an investing framework that made me a much better investor. This simple framework allows me to:

Tell if a company is good, great, or gruesome

Value the company to know if it is a buy or sell

Size the position to maximize my upside & minimize my risk

Once I put this investing framework into place, my returns improved dramatically.

So much that I’ve beaten the market over the last 10 years.

So, what is this framework?

I call it the ADAPT framework

A - Assess The Story

I want to invest in the best companies in the world — those THRIVE in an uncertain future. I call these businesses “Antifragile”. These companies have a strong moat for defense, growth potential for offense, and they are run by a great management team with lots of skin in the game.

D - Data Deep Dive

Once I understand the story, it’s time to look at the company’s report card– its financials. I dive deep into the numbers and look for yellow flags, analyze key metrics & ratios, and ensure that the numbers back up the company’s story.

A - Analyze Valuation

Even the best companies in the world would be a lousy investment if I paid too much to own them. That’s why a critical next step is to ensure the company is trading at an attractive valuation before I buy.

P - Portfolio Allocation

Once I’ve decided to buy a stock, my job isn’t done. I then make sure to size the position based on risk to maximize my upside potential while limiting my downside.

T - Track Progress

I’m not a buy-and-hold investor, I’m a buy-and-monitor one. Once I own a stock, I need to access the earnings reports each quarter to know if the thesis is still on track. These assessments are critical for managing my portfolio’s health and deciding whether to buy more, hold, or sell.

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Following the ADAPT framework works

My portfolio outperformed both the NASDAQ and S&P 500 for a decade!

Here’s what’s included

1. Weekly Live Learning Sessions with Brian Stoffel

Repeat The ADAPT Framework Every 5 Weeks

New topics covered each cycle

Replays included

Live Learning Topics Rotate Each Week. Some example topics and session agenda:

Real-Life Application

A new investing lesson is taught each week related to current market conditions or recent portfolio moves.


Practice your new skills, ask the team questions, receive direct feedback.

2. Full Access to Brian Stoffel’s Real-Life Portfolio

Real-time updates every time I buy or sell.

Detailed explanations behind every move I make

Quarterly updates on every stock I own

Detailed breakdowns of what I’m buying, why I’m buying it, and when I’d sell

3. Private Online Investing Community

Direct access to me & my team

Find & interact with investors like you

Get answers to your questions

Vetted conversations to ensure quality

Join Stock Investing Mentor today.

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Listen to what our former students have to say

Meet Your Stock Investing Mentor Team

Brian Stoffel, Lead

Investor since 2009

Loves to buy and MONITOR antifragile businesses

Best investment: Amazon +2,500%

Worst Investment: Peloton (74%)

Brian Withers

Investor since 1998

Loves to balance dividend & growth stocks

Best investment: MercadoLibre +1,300%

Worst Investment: LeapFrog (94%)

Brian Feroldi

Investor since 2004

Author, Why Does the Stock Market Go Up?

Loves to buy and HOLD quality stocks

Best investment: Netflix, +4,200%

Worst Investment: Vivos (98%)

Ken Taylor

Investor since 2019

MS Accounting

Loves “boring” stocks

Best investment: Nvidia, +667%

Worst investment: Silicon Valley Bank, (100%)

See the ADAPT Framework in Action

A - Assess The Story

Axon developed a wide-moat TASER business. But the company was growing fast because of its new high-margin body cameras and software business. The transformation was overseen by CEO and founder Rick Smith. I LOVED this story!

D - Data Deep Dive

Axon wasn’t raking in the profits immediately. I was ok with that. It was in growth mode. The two things that mattered the most: fast revenue growth and not losing money. Axon checked both boxes.

A - Analyze Valuation

Axon was in Stage 3: Self Funding, meaning it wasn’t optimized for profits. I used a reverse DCF calculator to assess its valuation. Axon was priced for 14% annualized growth, which significantly undervalued its potential.

P - Portfolio Allocation

I had a lot of confidence in the company’s defense (wide-moat TASER business), offense (fast-growing body camera business), and management (founder/CEO), so I made Axon a large position in my portfolio.

T - Track Progress

I’ve owned Axon for 7+ years. I continually review quarterly earnings and track the progress the company is making. So far, it has returned over 1,100% since I first bought.

Stock Investing Mentor is a fit for you if...

You are tired of “winging it” as an investor

You want an investing program that fits your schedule

You want to connect with other like-minded investors

You want to learn investing skills that last a lifetime

These extras will help you
become a better investor

Bonus # 1

Brian Stoffel’s Investing Watchlist

Bonus # 2

Self-Paced Investing Course

Bonus # 3

Valuation Calculators

Always remember that

One great investment idea can cover Stock Investing Mentor many times over.

One piece of education can help you avoid a mistake that will save you thousands.

One connection with a fellow investor could add an extremely valuable person to your network.

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